Market Trends

FttH & DOCSIS are Driving Europe's High-Capacity Broadband to 2020

Dublin, Ireland, November 19, 2010-Fiber to the Home (FttH) and DOCSIS are driving Europe's High-Capacity Broadband according to Research and Markets' report entitled   "European Fixed Broadband and Internet Market."  The report covers developments in Europe's broadband and Internet markets, providing analyses and data on DSL, cable and fibre technologies and on related regulatory measures.

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Robust Telco TV Service Revenue Growth Seen in 3Q 2010

Singapore, November 17, 2010--According to the latest figures from ABI Research, global pay-TV service revenue totaled $55.5 billion during the third quarter of 2010, approximately a 9% increase from the same period in 2009.   Currently more than half of global telco TV service revenues come from Western Europe where telco TV penetration is already quite high, and net subscriber additions in the region are expected to slow due to that penetration. The result: telco TV’s market share in terms of subscriber numbers and service revenue is expected to decline in Western Europe in the coming years.

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Global Pay-TV Market Served 692 Million Subscribers in 3Q-2010

Scottsdale, Ariz, November 4, 2010-In the third quarter of 2010, net subscriber additions in the global pay-TV market increased 2% over 2Q-2010 according to ABI Research’s recent pay-TV market data.   “The global number of pay-TV subscribers reached 692 million in the third quarter of 2010,” says ABI Research practice director Jason Blackwell. “Pay-TV subscriber growth is holding steady in a number of world regions.”

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Connected CE and Mobile Devices to Account for 80% of Connected Homes by 2015

Amsterdam, Nov 2, 2010 – The composition of the connected home will shift dramatically in the next five years, with connected consumer electronics and mobile devices (mainly smartphones and tablet computers) comprising 80% of the seven billion connected nodes worldwide by 2015.  “The number of connected home nodes worldwide will grow to more than seven billion by year-end 2015,” said Kurt Scherf, VP, principal analyst, Parks Associates. “This market encompasses diverse stakeholders including managed service operators, CE manufacturers, content creators and aggregators, home networking chipset developers, and software and silicon vendors .”

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Number of New Earth Observation Satellites Will More Than Double in Next Decade

Paris, October 13, 2010 – Defense and security requirements will continue to drive the commercial EO data market for the next decade, but the growing commercialization of the industry and the data needs of emerging EO nations and private enterprise will also fuel revenue growth in the sector, according to Euroconsult.

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Worldwide Digital Set-top Box Market to Hit 226 Million Shipments in 2015

Scottsdale,Ariz, October 12, 2010--The worldwide market for digital set-top boxes - including hard-to-track free-to-air (FTA) satellite (DBS) boxes - will grow from 205 million in 2010 to 226 million in 2015. Shipments in North America and Western Europe are falling following largely successful digital transitions, while Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Eastern Europe all see significant growth. Set-top boxes in China will grow at nearly 10% per year (CAGR).

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3D TV Shipments Will Approach 50 million in 2015

Scottsdale, Ariz., Oct. 6, 2010-The 3D TV market will spend the next couple of years establishing itself and accumulating a base of content and devices (both TVs and Blu-ray players). In 2013, according to ABI Research, market growth will start to accelerate, and shipments of 3D TV sets will approach 50 million in 2015.

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Satellite TV, Cable Subscriber Growth Continue in EMEA

Paris, September 15, 2010- Eutelsat Communications announced the key highlights of its two-yearly survey of television reception by satellite and cable homes.

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UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar Lead the Arab World in the Penetration of Telecom Services

Amman, Jordan, September 6, 2010-- The United Arab Emirates is the most connected country in the Arab World according to the Arab Advisors Group’s annually released Total Country Connectivity Measure (TCCM); Saudi Arabia and Qatar followed in second and third ranks respectively. The Arab Advisors Group calculates its Total Country Connectivity Measure (TCCM) by adding the household mainlines penetration, cellular penetration, and Internet users penetration rates in each country.

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More Than 1,200 Satellites to be Launched in the Next Decade

Paris, September 7, 2010--Euroconsult forecasts that an estimated 1,220 satellites will be built for launch over the next decade.

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