Satellite Mediaport Services

Prime Teleport Foundation

Set in the beautiful English countryside outside the town of Rugby and stationed on a former government nuclear bunker site now hosting racks of electronic equipment, the SMS teleport is carefully positioned with uninterrupted line of sight to over 100 satellites between 650 East and 650 West. It is just 2 m/s away via high-speed  fiber link from London, one of the global capital in telecom and financial services capitals, where it connects with major global peering points, the teleport is also in close proximity to England’s industrial heartland and largest cities.

Key Assets

  • Strategic gateway location offering high-speed, low-latency prime Cloud connectivity 
  • Uninterrupted uplink capability within its 1200 geospatial arc of operation
  • Reliable on-site and core network terrestrial topology
  • Experienced management 24 x 7 available on-site for responsive customer support
  • Expertise in global network and broadcast services
  • Comprehensive NOC-monitored support covering software and hardware operations
  • Amply-equipped with 'service-ready' uplink stations
  • Offering access to global satellite-monitoring and content-gathering capability over its remotely managed uplink assets, distributed across key geographical locations and terrestrially connected to its core network domain
  • Growing top-tier customer base with long-term service horizon

Service Infrastructure:

       Core terrestrial network:

  • AS peering in unlimited Gbps capacities using diverse, secure, core network connections over loop architecture to major multi-peering Points of Presence in London and SMS Teleport in Rugby, providing in 2 m/s latency, uninterrupted and reliable service for customers either over SMS's Transparent Layer 2 MPLS Services colocated at these locations or their own fully-managed connections
  • Secure, terrestrial core network reach to SMS's remote hosting sites across the globe
  • On site DNS servers offering massive processing and response capabilities
  • Firewall platforms and service policies for managing, filtering and protecting network data flow


  • On site UK National Grid electrical power sub-station
  • Seamless full-load power-sourcing switchover capability in case of Mains failure; round-the-clock redundant & protected UPS power source, in turn backed-up by redundant generators with onsite fuel storage capacity on constant stand-by
  • 24 x 365 real time power monitoring and alert system

      Monitoring services aids:

  • Array of service monitoring and analysis options to customers wishing to capture service availability and reliability metrics, customized if required for individual requirements
  • Automatic platform doubling up on SMS's 24/7 NOC operation affording real-time spectrum analysis monitoring for improved support where needed
  • Software systems to monitor on-site infrastructure that includes Power, Environment; Earth Station performance and other selected systems across the site
  • PRTG for SNMP monitoring of Core and LAN devices generating real-time graphics of traffic flow 
  • Hosting and equipment rooms monitored for temperature; humidity and smoke linked to independent site fire alarm system
  • NOC M&C monitoring tools: spectrum analyzers; transport stream analyzer and weather monitoring, supplemented by onsite Met Office hosting for accurate forecasting

Service Drivers:

  • Know-how in satellite services provisioning:

Know-how in the building, operation and maintenance of ground segment infrastructure and service, making SMS a ready-partner for operators seeking ground segment service

  • Shared denominator gateway vision:

The teleport's aggregation of services across resilient infrastructure used by a customer base sharing common service profile (in capacity and QoS demands) generates synergy values and makes a reliable and realistically priced service possible.

Supported by proven service and project management capability, these shared values are encouraged through SMS's policy of building & maintaining service-ready uplink capacities for future services across its geostationary arc.

  • Extending the service boundary:

Implementing international uplink capability that extends the teleport's service and network footprint with world-wide reach through remotely managed assets in key geographic centres.

  • Relentless QoS dedication:

Safety and QoS control systems installed across all areas of infrastructure & operation down to hosted end equipment

  • Customer focus:

Responsive and experienced management attention in all service support matters as well as project accompaniment


Satellite Mediaport Services Ltd,

Lawford Heath Lane, Long Lawford,

Rugby CV23 9EU

United Kingdom

Tel: + 44 1788 298666

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