WTA Names USEI’s Jim Veeder as 2022 Teleport Executive of the Year

New York, NY, March 2, 2022–The World Teleport Association (WTA) today named Jim A. R. Veeder, CEO and President of U.S. Electrodynamics, Inc. (USEI), as the 2022 Teleport Executive of the Year. Mr. Veeder will accept the award at the 2022 Teleport Awards Luncheon on March 22 during the SATELLITE 2022 Conference in Washington, DC. The Teleport Executive of the Year Award is presented to an individual for demonstrated entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation in the development or operation of a teleport-based business.

“Jim Veeder and his leadership at U.S. Electrodynamics represents a fast-forward trend in the teleport industry as it continues to evolve," said WTA Director of Development Louis Zacharilla. “The refurbishing of his teleport and antenna systems to ready them and the USEI team for the new opportunities USEI is seizing. Jim is a total team player who used his collaborative skills to manage a global enterprise through the worst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In addition, WTA’s Board of Directors looked at his remarkable work in the area of environmental stewardship in Washington State and elsewhere as an example of what a corporate leader in our community of satellite industry professionals can do with regard to ESG.”

With his work spanning four decades, Jim Veeder has propelled advances in technology across many sectors, confirming his leadership in the satellite industry. As the sole owner of two of the largest US earth stations and several international ground stations, Jim has built USEI into a dynamic enterprise with strong growth every year. Jim has met the challenges of our ever-changing market, focusing on customer service and superb performance, while always pressing for innovation.

USEI has grown under Jim’s leadership even during the COVID pandemic. Adding three LEO ground stations in three different countries within four months would have been a challenge under normal circumstances, but to have accomplished this amid the COVID crisis speaks to Jim’s passion, vision, and drive. The USEI team completed design and development, managed the shipping challenges, deployed personnel throughout the world, and performed its missions on time and on budget.

These four points with examples demonstrate how Jim has helped USEI differentiate itself:

  • 40 Years of Innovative Technology: Jim developed and applied at USEI a Quantum Electrodynamics RF propagation model for interference analysis which is many times more discriminating than standard ITU models, enabling precise all-weather microclimate high relief terrain RF propagation predictability for the purpose of defending and maintaining a clear RF environment around USEI ground stations. This clean-kept environmental spectrum surrounding USEI’s Brewster Satellite Earth Station, along with its rural location, played a major role in its ground station becoming the only West Coast site adequately protected to operate in extended C-band and to be available for use in 5G bands in the FCC 5G initiative Report and Order.
  • Proven Expertise and Broad Capabilities: Global facility footprints, with a strong worldwide client base built on a foundation of confidence, mutual trust, commitment and friendships in all satellite fields.
  • Advanced Technology Partnerships: An R&D partnership with the United States Military Academy (West Point) for more secure, robust and resilient communications using a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) backbone. This will become increasingly important as integrated systems become more reliant on data integrity.
  • Experienced Board of Advisors: Chaired by Dr. Paul Kaminski, an Air Force officer and visionary leader of the Stealth Program who later became Under Secretary of Defense. It was with Dr. Kaminski’s encouragement that Jim founded U.S. Electrodynamics, Inc. in 1985. And, it was with COMSAT’s confidence in his expertise, and his commitment to the US interests (Jim is a graduate of West Point) that USEI purchased the Brewster Satellite Earth Station in 1987 for the purpose of using it also for dynamic radar range testing of US Defense Stealth flying inventory. The rest is history.

Veeder also complements his deep knowledge of technology with his dedication – along with his wife Isabelle – to making the world better. To support the environment, they planted over 30,000 Giant Sequoia trees in his home state of Washington, purchased more than 1,200 acres of endangered forest, and secured 6,000 feet of waterfront to protect endangered marine fisheries. Just as he has taken USEI to the next level of performance, Jim looks to the future to protect our environment for generations to come. Jim and his wife Isabelle also support global children’s initiatives, including by supporting and hosting orphans from the Ukraine for a few months at their home and farm every year so that they can be children and can receive medical, dental and psychological support in turbulent times.

In addition to Veeder, the list of Teleport Executive of the Year alumni includes Sean McDaniel of ATLAS, Mauricio Segovia of AXESS Networks; Guido Neumann of CETel; Carlos Raba of Santander Teleport; Abel Avellan of Global Eagle; Pierre-Jean Beylier of SpeedCast; Avi Cohen of RR Media; Bill Tillson of Encompass Digital Media; Adrian Ballintine of NewSat Ltd.; Jaime Dickinson of NewCom International; Doug Tutt of Global Energy Services, CapRock Communications; the late Kenneth Miller of Globecomm Systems; David Rivel of RRsat Global Communications Network; Nick Thompson of Arqiva Broadcast & Media; Brent J. Gale of EchoStar; Norberto Alvarez Vitale of Teleport Internacional Buenos Aires; and Jorge Luis Villarreal Schutz of Elara Comunicaciones. Click here for a complete list.