News Analysis

Echostar Net Income Falls in 2013; Transfers 80% of Hughes Consumer Business to Dish

Englewood, Colo., February 21-2014-- EchoStar Corporation today reported total revenue of US$ 808 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2013 compared to US$ 786 million for the corresponding period in 2012. Total revenue for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013 was US $3.282 billion compared to US $3.122 billion for the corresponding period in 2012. EchoStar reported net income attributable to EchoStar shareholders of US$ 4.5 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.05 for the quarter ended December 31, 2013, compared with net income attributable to EchoStar shareholders of US$ 26.2 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.28 during the corresponding period in 2012.

Intelsat 2013 Results Reflect Challenges in the Government and African Markets

Washington, D.C., February 20, 2014-- Intelsat S.A. today reported total revenue of US$ 642.8 million and net income attributable to Intelsat S.A. of US$ 72.6 million, or $0.62 per share on a diluted basis, for the three months ended  December 31, 2013. The company reported adjusted diluted net income per  common share of $0.84 for the three months ended December 31, 2013. 

DIRECTV Fourth Quarter Revenue Growth of 7% Drives Full Year Revenues to US $31.75 billion

El Segundo, Calif., February 20, 2014--DIRECTV today reported that fourth quarter 2013 revenues increased 7% to US$ 8.59 billion, operating profit before depreciation and amortization (OPBDA) increased 6% to US$ 2.04 billion and operating profit increased 3% to US$1.33 billion compared to last year's fourth quarter. DIRECTV reported that fourth quarter net income declined to  and diluted earnings per share decreased to $1.53 compared with the same period last year.

SES Contracts Airbus for Electric Propulsion Satellite

Luxembourg, February 20, 2014--Airbus Defence and Space (formerly Astrium)  has won a contract with SES for the design and construction of the latest addition to its fleet, the SES-10 satellite which will be covering the Americas. The new satellite will be based on the Eurostar E3000 platform and will be equipped with a dual chemical and electrical propulsion system.


Orbital Completes First Operational Cargo Mission to International Space Station for NASA

Dulles, Va., February 19, 2014-- Orbital Sciences Corporation completed today the first of eight CygnusTM operational cargo logistics spacecraft missions to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the company’s US$ 1.9 billion Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract with NASA. The Cygnus spacecraft unberthed from the ISS yesterday morning at 6:41 a.m. (EST), completing a 37-day stay at the orbiting laboratory. Today, Cygnus reentered Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand at approximately 1:20 p.m. (EST).

Aireon Closes First US$50 million Investment From Major Air Navigation Service Providers

McLean, Va., Feb. 18, 2014-- Aireon LLC, the developer of the world's first space-based global air traffic surveillance system, announced today that it has closed the previously announced investment transaction with three new investors and major Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs): ENAV (Italy), the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), and Naviair (Denmark), and has received their first tranche investment totaling US$ 50 million. 

ILS Successfully TURKSAT-4A

Baikonur, Kazakhstan, February 15, 2014 – International Launch Services (ILS) successfully launched the TURKSAT-4A satellite into orbit today on an ILS Proton vehicle. The satellite was built by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for TURKSAT Satellite Communication, Cable TV and Operation Inc. Co. (TURKSAT A.S.). This was the first ILS Proton launch for both the satellite operator and the manufacturer; it was also the first Proton launch of the year.

Eutelsat Revenues Up 3.1% in 2nd Half of 2013

Paris, France, February 14, 2014--Eutelsat anounced financial results for half year ending December 31, 2013, reporting revenue growth of 2.2%, and 3.1% at constant currency and excluding non-recurring revenues in line with full-year objectives. EBITDA was  €501 million (approximately US$ 676.83 million). The EBITDA margin was 77.4%.

Orbital Revenues Up 6% in 2013

Dulles, VA, February 13, 2014— Orbital Sciences Corporation  today reported its fourth quarter and full year 2013 financial results.  Fourth quarter 2013 revenues were US$ 375.4 million, a new quarterly record for the company, compared to US$ 354.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2012.  Fourth quarter 2013 operating income was US$ 30.5 million, or 8.1% operating margin, compared to US$ 31.3 million, or 8.8% operating margin, in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Viasat Announce 3Q Fiscal Year 2014 Results

Carlsbad, Calif., February 12, 2014-- ViaSat Inc.announced financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2014. Revenues increased 16% to US$ 332.6 million compared to the same period last year, and Adjusted EBITDA hit record levels, growing 17% year-over-year to US$ 56.7 million for the third quarter of fiscal year 2014.