
GVF and SeaTel Collaborate on Marine VSAT Training and Installation

Washington, D.C., January 12, 2012--High-quality marine VSAT terminal deployments are being facilitated through the collaboration of three leading industry organizations on a global online training program. The Global VSAT Forum (GVF), Sea Tel, and SatProf have announced that they will jointly launch a web-based training platform at that enables faster, more cost-effective delivery of operation and installation training for personnel who either utilize or deploy Sea Tel marine VSAT terminals.

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GVF Oil and Gas Conference Highlights Strong Energy Sector Demand for HTS Satellites

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 1, 2011--High Throughput Satellites (HTS) will increasingly be a key addition to the offshore communications industry’s portfolio, as energy-sector interests demand more broadband for less cost. The projection of strong demand for HTS solutions was one of several prominent topics explored during the “GVF Oil & Gas Communications South East Asiaconference (O&GCSEA2011) held 22-23 November at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

GVF Global Conference Series Positions Kuala Lumpur and South East Asia as Center-Focus

by Martin Jarrold

London, UK, November 3, 2011--Economic stagnation and financial uncertainty across U.S. and European markets, the continuing significant political unrest manifest in the “Arab Spring”, the litany of manmade conflicts and natural disasters across the globe (including serious flooding in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and the Philippines), concerns over hydrocarbon-based energy supplies, consumption, prices, and climate change impact – short-, medium-, and longer-term problems, and justified news headline-grabbers all!

CASBAA 2011 Has The Industry Covered

Hong Kong, October 21, 2011--The CASBAA Convention 2011 has the industry covered through a compelling range of sessions featuring internationally renowned guest speakers. Themed TV365: Watch Closely!, the show will be staged in Hong Kong, October 31st - November 3rd at the Grand Hyatt.  “As a key event in the industry calendar, delegates expect the best speakers covering items relevant to their businesses,” said Simon Twiston Davies, CEO, CASBAA. “From country specific panels to discussions on technology and the future of the industry, the CASBAA Convention 2011 will satisfy your need for the latest information and insight on every aspect of multichannel TV in Asia.”

Industry Outlook Generally Positive at Satellite Business Week 2011

by Elisabeth Tweedie, Associate Editor

Paris, September 26, 2011-- Although the overall mood at the Satellite Business Week conference in Paris organized by Euroconsult was not as ebullient as it has been in the last couple of years it was none the less generally positive.

It's All About Content Delivery at IBC 2011

by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

Amsterdam, September 15, 2011—This is not your  father’s IBC.  Like  most industry shows,  the IBC is evolving and it’s getting harder to distinguish traditionally broadcast-oriented shows like the IBC in Amsterdam and the NAB in Las Vegas with the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) and other shows dealing with content delivery and management. 

Advancing Key GVF Collaborative Issues at IBC and Comsys VSAT 2011

by Martin Jarrold

London, September 2, 2011-- Signaling the drawing to a close of the northern hemisphere summer, two major events on the satellite industry calendar, which regularly bring together significant numbers of industry representatives to Europe in early September, will additionally feature gatherings that will focus on initiatives in which GVF, together with key industry, and other, partners, is taking the lead.

Analysts See Robust Growth in Satellite Broadcast Market

Miami, Fla., May 16, 2011-Speaking at a Newtec-hosted seminar in Miami last week, various industry analysts predicted robust growth in emerging markets for satellite broadcasting in the next decade.

Hemispheres & Latitudes: Investigating the Satellite Communication Imperatives of the Oil and Gas Industry

by Martin Jarrold 

London, April 1,2011--Two very different cities will, over the next few months, host conferences in the GVF Oil & Gas Communications Series. Neither of these cities is the political capital if its respective nation, but each is a globally important center in the exploitation of hydrocarbon energy resources.

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Satellite 2011: The Satellite Industry is Well Positioned to Meet New Challenges

by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief with reporting frm Elisabeth Tweedie 

Washington, D.C., March 18, 2011-- The 30th anniversary edition of the Satellite show held in Washington, D.C. from March 14-17 was like a big coming out party for the industry. Having just survived one of the worst global recessions relatively unscathed,  the mood at the show was decidedly bullish.   Senior industry executives speaking at the conference were almost unanimously positive on the industry’s position yet they also recognize that there are still many challenges ahead. 

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